Revit has two entirely different ways of pinning elements, but they share the same UI commands & icons, so this is a recipe for confusion. I will try to shed some light on the differences here:
Most elements in Revit can be manually pinned by a user.
This will lock an element in place to prevent it
being moved, rotated or deleted.
Pinned elements can be unpinned
to free them up to be moved, rotated or
Some Revit elements host other elements that
can be locked / unlocked in place on the host – this also uses a ‘Pin’ icon
with a chain-link symbol beside it. The difference in icon to a normal pin is very subtle, and easily missed - but is really important to see and understand.

I like to call these ‘Chain-Pinned’ elements, because of the chain-link symbol - and we need some kind of phrase to differentiate them from regular pinning. They could also be
described as host ‘Type-Driven’ because some of their parameters are controlled by
the Type Properties of the parent.
Examples of Chain-Pinned elements are:
Element / Category types
Curtain Wall Grids (only if spacing is set in curtain wall type)
Curtain Wall Mullions (only if mullion type is set in curtain wall type)
Curtain Wall Panels (only if panel type is set in curtain wall type)
Handrail Supports
When a ‘Chain-Pinned’ element is selected it can
be unpinned by clicking on the element pin or the unpin symbol on the ribbon. This can be confusing because the pin symbol on the element displays its current status (pinned, with chain-link); while the icon on the ribbon is an action, showing what you can and might want to do to it (but no chain-link, because the command doubles up for both kinds of pin):
o The element symbol will change to
unpinned status, with the chain-link cleverly hidden behind the red cross - you have to look carefully!
It makes no difference to the behaviour which
pin icon is clicked on – element or ribbon (unlike regular user pins); the unpinned icon always shows up when the
element is selected.
Chain-Pinned Element Behaviour
When a Chain-Pinned element is selected (but has not been unpinned):
Some of its properties may be locked (eg. Hand Clearance
on Handrail Supports)
Its type is locked
It cannot be moved or otherwise manipulated
It cannot be deleted
When a Chain-Pinned element is
Some locked instance properties are available to
be changed (eg. Hand Clearance on Handrail Supports)
Its type is available to be changed to others of
the same category
It can be moved (Curtain Wall Grids &
Handrail Supports)
It can be deleted (Curtain Wall Mullions &
Handrail Supports)
An unpinned Chain-Pinned element can be
Its properties will revert to those dictated by
the parent (eg. Hand clearance on Handrail Supports)
Its type will revert to that set in the parent
family type.
It will be moved back to its original position
Deleted unpinned hosted elements cannot be directly replaced to their
original position. This has to be achieved by
alternative methods:
- Mullions
can be added to curtain grids;
- Handrail
Supports can be reinstated by copying another one or by resetting the whole
handrail (Be very careful with this - all other modifications will be lost too!)
Editing Chain-Pinned
The only Chain-Pinned elements that can be
edited after unpinning are curtain panels – using the ‘Edit In-Place’
functionality, which allows you to change the outline of the curtain panel using sketch tools.
I hope this sheds some light on a confusing Revit topic. Go forth and unchain those pinned hosted elements. Or don't, as the case may be - sometimes it is important for them to remain chain-pinned so that global changes can be quickly made. Once unpinned, you lose that capability.