Tuesday 6 June 2017

Global Parameters Enhancement Wishlist - Revit Ideas

All my recent research work on Global Parameters has created a list of enhancement requests.  Although a lot of new global parameter features were released with Revit 2017, we only had one enhancement and one bug fix in v2018:
  • Associate global parameters to Radius and Diameter dimensions (2018)
  • Global parameters vs Equals dimension conflict removed (bugfix 2018)
Here is my list of enhancement requests, plus a few other ideas from other people already on the wishlist - please vote for them if you'd like these to be fixed:

Enable global parameters to associate to Array Numbers

Enable creation of an Area Reporting Parameter for use in Global Parameters

Enable global parameters to associate to Floor ‘Height Offset from Level’ system property

Allow association of global parameters to material properties of system families 

Allow access to Global parameter of linked model

Allow the use of Shared Parameters in Global Parameters

While we are on the subject of shared parameters, I really really wish we could use them in Key Schedules so please vote that up too.

Ability to "Paint" using a Global [material] Parameter

Please note that requests to enable us to associate global parameters to ALL system parameters will probably not get far because each and every one has to be programmed separately, so it is better to create a wishlist item for each parameter that you want access to (frustrating, I know).

1 comment:

  1. power to the people!

    well, especially if you have friends @ Autodesk that actually code the beast.

