Tuesday 2 August 2016

Link Global Parameters to Built-in Revit Properties

During my research on Global Parameters in Revit, I have compiled a list of built-in (system) properties that you can directly associated to Global Parameters.  For each category, there are certain parameters that have the little 'link' button to the right of the property value - this is used for linking.  If there is no button, then it cannot be directly linked.

This list is not something that we have any control over - each parameter has to be 'enabled' by the software developers.  Below is a list of built-in parameters that I have found, which can be directly associated to Global Parameters (in v2016 R2 & v2017 in red). This list only shows the categories that appear when the discipline is set to Architecture;  there may be other structural and MEP parameters that are also available (but not listed here);  there may also be other parameters that only show up when you change certain settings - so I might not have discovered them:

Category                             Parameter
o   Areas                   -
o   Area boundary    -
o   Casework            -
o   Ceilings                            Height Offset From Level
o   Columns                           Base Offset (v2017)
                                             Top Offset  (v2017)
o   Curtain Wall Grid            -
o   Curtain Panel                   -
o   Curtain System                -
o   Curtain Wall Mullion       -
o   Door                                 Sill Height    (v2017)
                                             Head Height   (v2017)
                                             Height   (v2017 instance or type parameter)
                                             Rough Height  (v2017 instance or type parameter)
                                             Width   (v2017 instance or type parameter)
                                             Rough Width  (v2017 instance or type parameter)
                                             Thickness  (v2017)
o   Electrical Fixtures  -
o   Floor -
o   Floor Slab Edge    -
o   Furniture     -
o   Generic      -
o   Level                                 Computational Height
o   Lighting Fixture      -
o   Line  -
o   Mass -
o   Mechanical Equipment -
o   Parking       -
o   Planting      -
o   Plumbing    -
o   Railings        -
o   Railings: Supports -
o   Railings: Handrails -
o   Railings: Top Rails -
o   Ramp                                 Width
o   Roofs           -
o   Roof Soffits                      Height Offset From Level
o   Roof Fascia           -
o   Roof Gutter           -
o   Room          -
o   Room Separation  -
o   Shaft Opening      -
o   Site   -
o   Site: Property Line -
o   Specialty Equipment  -
o   Stairs                                 Actual Tread Depth
o   Stair Run                           Extend Below Riser Base      (only on lowest run)
o   Stair Landing         -
o   Stair: Support         -
o   Struct. Column                Base Offset (v2017)
                                               Top Offset  (v2017)
o   Struct. Framing              Start Join Cutback
                                               End Join Cutback
                                             y Offset Value
                                             z Offset Value
o   Structural Truss      -
o   Str. Beam System            Elevation
                                               Fixed Spacing / Maximum Spacing / Clear Spacing
o   Struct.Foundations             
o   Toposurface          -
o   Wall                                   Base Offset  (v2017)
                                               Top Offset  (v2017)
o   Wall Reveal                      Offset From Wall
                                              Offset From Level
o   Wall Sweep                       Offset From Wall
                                              Offset From Level
o   Window                            Sill Height  (v2017)
                                              Head Height  (v2017)
                                              Height  (v2017 instance or type parameter)
                                              Rough Height  (v2017 instance & type parameter)
                                              Width  (v2017 instance or type parameter)
                                              Rough Width  (v2017 instance or type parameter)

There is one parameter missing from this list that would be invaluable to be able to associate:
      Floors                            Height Offset From Level

If you would like this one to be enabled, please put in a change request to Autodesk (the more requests, the more likely it is to be done).  Alternatively you could use the latest method of voicing your opinions or wishlists - currently the Autodesk Revit Ideas forum  .  I have posted a wishlist idea here - please vote for it

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